Late 20’s

Entered into late 20’s with tonnes of self doubt. I wonder if I’m worthy of the big number yet, also if I’ve gained what I should have gained by now and if not then how I’m supposed to accommodate the layoff stuff to this year? Clearly, no clue.

Anyway I’d just count on the things that made this year worth remembering. I’ve promised myself to give more time to self-growth and my passion if I may say it’s so far so good. Also we entered into the 3rd year of our marriage and waking up to the best guide/lover/partner is one of the few blessings that I have and I like to pay my gratitude towards it everyday, also grateful for the house that we call home and a balanced lifestyle.

A little background story of where we live, it’s the interior of Chattisgarh goes by the name Bacheli , like 400km from the capital. So, we literally don’t have any access to city life, No luxury item gets delivered here, it’s that aloof. For every trip we take it has to be a calculative one but still we take our getaways once in a while which I’ve mentioned in one of my previous blogs. Check if you want.

As much as we like to celebrate our birthdays or anniversary away somewhere, we don’t mind having it here, around the people that have bonded in our lives in a way that it’s now we consider our extended family. So, that is how this year was special and made me feel special how? Let’s see…

I cut cake not once but twice.
First cake.

You see the tiny detail? like WOW! It’s so hard to get things personalised here but they did, whatever is possible.

second cake.

This one is from my colleagues, which happened to be the same as previous one. You know why? Because we have only one bakery in the whole town. ugh!

Girlfriends, they turn my heart lighter and the nights brighter.
A tiara that took them to find a whole hour but they didn’t give up. You bet I’ve the best squad.
This folks make the work place so much fun, you can’t even imagine.

For the food it’s hard to find a good caterer so it was more of a help from a friend of my husband who happened to be a chef and a mutual interest of idea which brought us to a conclusion like, see for yourself….

Kathi Roll.
Banana chicken (popular Bengali recipe with fish) and Kashmiri pulao.

Everything was served in earthenware which is easily available here and that helped to lift up the aesthetic game. Thank god! Well as I mentioned no luxury item gets delivered here, so my gift awaits in Kolkata. Till I find out what they are and come back to show off.


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I'm that painting of your's.. you've put life in.

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